How to Win Elections

How to Win Elections


Starting Point

Types of Election

Electoral Areas

Polling Districts


Electoral Register


Registering as a Candidate




Local Press

Press Release

Public Meetings

Online Campaigning

Eve of Election

Knock-Up Areas

Election Day

Number Tellers


The Count

Post Election Party

Post Election

Election Expenses


About The Author


This site aims to improve understanding of democratic process in the UK by explaining in straightforward terms the steps that need to be taken by someone who wishes to participate in an election. The people who can be assisted by the information on this site are people who may wish to be candidates, or they may be agents or party workers.

The purpose of this site is to de-mystify the electoral process so that independent candidates or inexperienced candidates in smaller parties can have equal access to the methods used by the major parties which have built up a wealth of experience doing similar things over the years. This should provide more of a level playing field between the established parties and the independents, encourage democratic participation and improve diversity in our elected representatives.

The site will take you through the process of conducting an election in the UK and describe the steps the main parties use to maximise their votes.

This site should really be called but I just thought that was far too long and anyone looking for this sort of information contained on this site is looking to win an election, hence,

All information on this site relates to the UK only – other countries may have different procedures.

One of the statistics offered to me by the Analytics Tool is used to monitor the traffic on this site is the country of origin of my visitors. Don't worry, I am not tracking ISPs. While most visitors are from the UK I notice that I get some traffic from other countries. With this in mind I hope people in other countries will not mind if I offer a very special welcome to my visitors from Egypt, who may have more cause than most to use the procedures in this guide very soon, and to my sole visitor from Saudi Arabia who as yet may not. Hopefully we will see visitors from Libya, Tunisia, Bahrain and other states across that region researching the democrat process very soon.

Remember guys, the key is multi-party democracy; that includes the parties you disagree with.

If you are ready to proceed continue to Introduction....