How to Win Elections

How to Win Elections


Starting Point

Types of Election

Electoral Areas

Polling Districts


Electoral Register


Registering as a Candidate




Local Press

Press Release

Public Meetings

Online Campaigning

Eve of Election

Knock-Up Areas

Election Day

Number Tellers


The Count

Post Election Party

Post Election

Election Expenses


About The Author


Press Release

A press release is the easiest way to get a story into the papers. In essence all you need to do is write the story you want printed but a press releases follows the 5W’s and an H pattern which is Who, What, Where, When, Why and How.;

Who is doing What;
Where are they doing it;
When are they doing it (or did it);
Why did they do it;
How is it to be done;
Then follow up with a quote.

An example of this would X Party candidate Joe Smith is to visit X old people’s home on Tuesday. The Old People’s home has been threatened with closure and Joe wants to demonstrate his solidarity with the residents. Joe will speak to residents outlining his plans to keep the home open if elected and listen to the concerns of residents and staff.
Joe Smith said, “xxxxxxxxx”

The quote is very important as it gives the appearance when it is printed in the paper that the journalist was actually there and spoke with the candidate rather than just copied the text of an emailed press release.

All Press Releases should have your press officer’s contact details so that if the press want to ask any question they know where to go, but most importantly it should be very clear where the press release came from. Hard copy press releases must be on campaign headed paper, electronic ones attached as word documents, PDF files or something similar, but must contain your imprint (see Leaflets for details of an imprint). If in doubt ask you local papers what format they would prefer them in as there’s no point sending them a file they can’t open.

Continue to Eve of Election....